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FIND YOUR DOG’S TOP TOY PICKS: Take the Toy Quest Quiz
Beat Indecision | Take the Toy Quest Quiz

Teach your foodie dog new tricks

One of our most popular toys of all time has undoubtedly been The Clam – and for good reason, too. It offers the owners and trainers of food-obsessed dogs the chance to achieve remarkable results. The Clam makes establishing discipline, inspiring motivation and teaching commands a breeze.

And it’s all thanks to its nifty design. Small enough to fit in your pocket and the perfect shape for throwing, The Clam is made of two ‘shells’ that hide between them a beautiful pearl (also known as a doggy treat!). The two shells fasten together with hook and loop and there is a clever opening which is large enough for your dog to get out their treat – but too small for the treat to fall out when The Clam is thrown.

With The Clam on your side, you can say goodbye to throwing treats on the floor and risking your dog eating things he shouldn’t.

You can also look forward to an improved frustration-free relationship with your dog because you’ll be rewarding him in the way that appeals to him most – with food!

Your dog will love chasing The Clam and being able to help themselves to their reward, without waiting for you to catch up. The original Clam is designed in bright blue – a colour dogs see very well – so you won’t waste time waiting for your dog to track down a treat that’s been thrown in the dirt.

Best of all, your training results will be taken to the next level. All because of one small but mighty dog training toy!

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